
Showing posts from March 26, 2020

Rural Indian Students Performing During Workshop on Communication Skills...


Rethinking Humanity : Mankind & Manmade Covid 19 Coronavirus

Rethinking Humanity : Mankind & Manmade Covid-19 Coronavirus Dr Sudhir Narayan Singh Charismatic & Marvellous has been his Journey since the dawn of Human Civilisation. In such a Long Journey, obsessed with the dialectics of "Being & Becoming" Mankind has Journeyed a Crucially long Distance and Reached a Non-returnable Destination. If early twentieth century World Wars declare 'Death of God', the early twenty-first century began with the new declaration of 'Man's Overlordship'. Obsessed with the 'scientific knowledge' and 'technology endowed lethal weapons' Man took-over the reins of the whole universe in Scary Overlordship and started functioning declaring Him God. G. O. D. G - Generator, O - Operator, and the unprecedented D - Destructor Taking the Whole Functionality of Universe In His Tiny Hands as GOD and Outrageously Played with the Patience of Mother Earth Man destroyed the vital synergy of Natu...